summary | ||
public |
Given a type, return a function that will pass it's argument as an error. |
public |
Don't pass any information, just pass the type to the reducer. |
public |
Given a type, create a function that accepts a payload and passes that with the given type. |
public |
given a type and a promise creator, return an action creator that will accept the arguments to the promise, and on resolve, return a action.payload funciton. |
public |
F addError(state: *, action: *) adds an error to the |
public |
Given a prop, set the async start flag to false |
public |
F asyncStart(prop: String): Reduction Given a prop, set the async start flag to true |
public |
F byType(init: State, typeObj: ReductionMap): Reducer Create a reducer with an initial state, and a reduction map (from type to reduction) |
public |
F clearErrors(state: *) resets the |
public |
F compose(reductions: ...Reduction): Reduction given multiple reductions, combine them into a single reduction |
public |
F merge(state: State, action: Action): Reduction Given a state and an action, merge the action's payload into the state. |
public |
given a prop, set the action's payload prop at state.prop |